List of Equipment and Instrument in Hospital Department of Radiology and Sonography

List of Equipment and Instrument in Hospital Department of Radiology and Sonography

Sr. no Name of Equipment Numbers
1 Electrical Fan 02
2 X-ray Machine 01
3 Lead Apron 01
4 X-Ray Half Broker 01
5 Drawing clip 01
6 Processing tank 01
7 Lead Latter – R & L 01
8 Chest Holder 01
9 Hangar 08
10 X-Ray Cassette 12 x 15 01
11 X-Ray Cassette 10 x 12 01
12 X-Ray Cassette 8x 10 01
13 Dark Room Safe Light 01
14 Greed 01
15 Plastic Chairs 04
16 Stool 01
17 X-Ray Table 01
18 Sonography Machine - Probe 01
19 Computer 01
20 Printer 01
21 Executive Chair 01